Google has released an alternative to the Facebook and Twitter Sharing buttons named +1.If you like something that you find on the web, you can hit the +1 button, and your +1's will help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search. This tutorial will guide you on adding the same to your Blogger Blog.
It had been some time since Facebook released their new Send Button.The Send button is a social plugin that websites can use to let people send a link to a friend through Facebook Messages, post it to a Group, or email it to an individual. Follow this tutorial to add it to your Blogger Blog.
Blogger has just launched a set of incredible perspective views which can turn your blogs into stunning examples of CSS3 and HTML5 Technologies.
Checkout the following perspective views of BloggerPlugins :..
Blogger was created by Pyra Labs in 1999 and was acquired by Google in 2003. Ever since the acquisition, Google has been improvising and adding new features it. Blogger is changing and its changing real fast. Last year we saw lots of new features being added on to blogger like:
Good news for all android Folks!!. Blogger has released an official Android App. Its simple and neat and does the job perfectly. You can create a post or make drafts from your android device.If you are an android user, try it out by downloading the App from the Android market
This tutorial is for everyone who has already created a Facebook Fan Page. If have not created one, try making one. A Fan Box or Like Box allows your Blog visitors to like your facebook fan page, without leaving your blog. It can also display faces of the “likers” on your blog. To add the fanbox to blogger, follow these steps:
Some months back, I had posted about how you can add Custom Fonts to Blogger using the Google Fonts API. Now Blogger has integrated all of these Custom Fonts into the Blogger Template Designer. This means that you will be able to use these Custom Fonts without the need for any Template Edits.
As you might already know, Blogger is integrated with Picasa and all the images that you upload to Blogger automatically becomes a part of your Picasa account.Picasa has got 1 GB free Storage.So if your Picasa Account exceeds this 1 GB limit, you wont be able to post more images to your blog.(In that case you will have to buy additional Storage).
Add Google Plus One Button on Blogger
Facebook send button for Blogger
It had been some time since Facebook released their new Send Button.The Send button is a social plugin that websites can use to let people send a link to a friend through Facebook Messages, post it to a Group, or email it to an individual. Follow this tutorial to add it to your Blogger Blog.
Incredible perspectives for your blogger blog
Checkout the following perspective views of BloggerPlugins :..
What’s next with Blogger

Official Android App for Blogger

Facebook Like/Fan Box For Blogger

More Fonts on Blogger Template Designer

How to post large images in Blogger(Multiple Image Sizes in Blogger)

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